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Cultural Association Venus - Italian Naval Photo Archive

We are pleased to present the first association in Italy whose purpose is the preservation, development and use of naval photographs as a cultural documentation, in line with what happens in major foreign countries.

For many years now, in the field of research regarding the shipbuilding industry and naval history, photographs have become very important not only as documents themselves, but also as a fundamental element in the assessment of situations, events and major events worldwide.
Written history has always been associated with iconography, in light of the fact that research in this field should always be based on a critical examination of all the documents that can be tracked down, thus including photographs, images and technical plans.
In recent years, the iconographic documentation has increased its importance as a fundamental element in specialized publications and also for the enhancement of websites that have photographs and images as one of their most important features.
So, we are pleased to introduce the first group in Italy whose purpose is the care, development and use of photographic documentation in the naval field, a subject that, in Italy, up to now has not been accorded proper importance (and which does not receive adequate resources) as is the case in major foreign countries.

As a first concrete step of our activity, and a key element of the very presence of our Association, also outside national boundaries, we are pleased to present this website which will be constantly updated, making available to all fans and students photographic images - especially of the past - related to the history and technology of the most important world Navies, with particular attention paid to the Italian Navy from 1861 to the present day.